Water leaks and moisture infiltration can cause serious damage to a house or building, and can be difficult to detect until it’s already too late. Using a thermal imaging camera and under the right circumstances, it’s possible to find hidden water and moisture issues without resorting to destructive testing.
There are many sources of building moisture, including humidity (during any season), condensation, pipe leaks, rain and snow, and even people and animals breathing. Usually a low level of moisture is fine, but leaks or heavy condensation can cause serious problems. A thermal imaging camera cannot “see” moisture in walls, but it can detect subtle temperature differences and patterns that reveal the existence of water.
There are a multitude of reasons you might be seeing a temperature differential besides moisture in the walls. If we detect some unusual heat or cold patterns, then we use our high quality moisture tester which will detect moisture deep inside the wall which may confirm if water is in fact the cause of these temperature hot or cold spots.
This two pronged approach assists greatly to detect those hidden leaks that will one day cost a fortune.
Moisture Patterns
Moisture in buildings usually spreads in a recognizable pattern depending on where the water is.
Walls - top-down triangular shape formed as water spreads downwards
Thermal cameras can help locate water and give clues as to the presence of moisture, but identifying a pattern that looks like moisture does not guarantee the presence of water.